Earlier this week, Trump-appointed Daniel Traynor, a federal judge, struck down a White House policy that would have mandated healthcare providers, as well as religious employers, to provide funding for transgender medical procedures and transgender medical counseling.
According to Traynor, “no government agency ought to be in the business of evaluating the sincerity of another’s religious beliefs.”
In the same written opinion, Traynor also noted that current guidance calls for encouraging parents “to file a complaint if a medical provider refuses to gender transition their child, of any age, including an infant.”
The judge also takes issue with the Biden administration’s belief that newborn children can be subjected to surgical alterations in order to change gender, as well as the fact that the federal government aims to penalize any medical professional’s resistance to engaging in such highly controversial procedures.
“Indeed, the [Health and Human Services] Guidance specifically invites the public to file complaints for acting in a manner the Alliance says is consistent with their sincerely held religious beliefs,” Traynor continued.
The federal judge noted that in addition to the religious implications inherent in the ruling, the HHS Department under the Biden administration also “[frustrates] the proper care of gender dysphoria,” as this particular diagnosis takes place “following the considered involvement of medical professionals.”
As a result of the White House blasting the consideration as a form of discrimination, the HHS Department is effectively “[prohibiting] the medical profession from evaluating what is best for the patient in what is certainly a complex mental health question.”
The judge’s opinion emerges in response to a lawsuit initiated by the Christian Employers Alliance (CEA), which maintains that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has grossly misinterpreted, as well as incorrectly enforced, a definition of sex discrimination that falls within the realm of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Title VII mandates for employers to eschew any form of gender discrimination in terms of health care coverage, and leftists have misinterpreted the title to apply to transgender medical procedures.
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