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Buttigieg Brazenly Applauds Violent Mob

Pretty pathetic that the “best” Pete Buttigieg can come up with is openly condoning the behavior of a violent mob on national television.

Fox News, no less, given that CNN viewership has tanked yet again, and apparently the useless Transportation Secretary wants his pathetic views spread as widely as possible.

“Look, when public officials go into public life, we should expect two things. One, that you should always be free from violence, harassment, and intimidation,” Buttigieg pompously announced, “[and] this justice was part of the process of stripping away the right to privacy. So, yes, people are upset.”

Wow. Way to set a stellar example, Petey boy.

Propaganda has consequences, and nowhere are the consequences of propaganda clearer than in the increasing tolerance, if not direct encouragement, of violence that the Democrats have steadily endorsed over the years.

Clearly, they feel quite empowered, considering that the vast majority of the mainstream media doesn’t even bother to feign a remote degree of objectivity, which has been more than evident by burying multiple disturbing stories regarding the Supreme Court.

First, the media won’t even bother to identify the leaker in the Supreme Court, though it had no issue conducting a nationwide witch hunt for January 6 protestors.

Strangely, the leaker apparently can’t be identified despite only a few dozen, at most, individuals being capable of doing so.

Which suggests the leaker is either an avowed leftist or linked to Biden’s radical pick who refuses to define a woman.

Secondly, the media also barely covered the effort to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh, despite a 26-year-old psychopath from California driving thousands of mile to do so and announcing his “life’s purpose” was to execute a justice to the FBI.

After deliberately waiving his Fifth Amendment protections.

For once, leftist snowflakes’ disregard of the Constitution pays off, as the idiot has now subsequently realized his mistake and is lamely attempting to plead “not guilty” now.

Nonetheless, the propagandist media’s deliberate empowerment of violence has clearly translated into misery for multiple businesses that dare to run nonpartisan operations.

Morton’s Steakhouse is the latest victim of the woke brigade, in large part because so-called “activist” groups are offering upwards of $250 per “sighting” of Kavanaugh in public, all so that the woke mob can go after a justice who literally just endured an attempt on his life.

Just consider the despicable message sent out by #ShutDownDC, directly soliciting violence.

“DC Service Industry Workers … If you see Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett or Roberts DM us with the details!” the group declared on Twitter, “We’ll Venmo you $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they’re still there 30 mins after your message.”

Wonder where in the world all that money comes from.

If the top donors to Biden’s campaign are anything to go by, including $145M in dark money that even Bloomberg reported, it’s like “dark money” at work once again.

For rather dark purposes.

Apparently, some soulless individual who can be bought for as little as $250 decided to report that the justice was dining at Morton’s Steakhouse in Washington, D.C., which immediately prompted a mass mob outside.

Not only did the mob drive Kavanaugh out of the restaurant, but it also disrupted the dining experience of virtually all patrons inside, as reported by an understandably irate Morton’s representative.

“Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant. Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner,” the representative declared.

Any normal, or remotely ethical, person would be mortified.

However, Democrat militants are hardly normal, and they most definitely are not ethical.

As they decided to respond by flooding not just the D.C.-area Morton’s, but multiple other Morton’s with thousands and thousands of fake reservations.

Even absent the Kavanaugh “sighting,” the reservations would clearly be fake as their government welfare may pay well, but not that well.

On top of that, the brats with far too much time on their hands left a series of fake, 1* reviews, to the extent that Yelp had to suspend commenting.

Which prompted a response from the upper echelons of Morton’s management, who issued a warning to the steakhouse’s managers nationwide.

“Currently we are experiencing a massive wave (trending at #2 on social media now) of negative response to our comments yesterday as well as being bombarded at the local level with phone calls and fake reservations on Open Table,” COO and SVP Scott Crain wrote.

Yet another “gift” from social media. Aiding and abetting the violent, brainless mob.

Not to mention divorcing individuals from vastly more appropriate pursuits, like reading, writing, or basic learning about any of the social justice issues they claim to care so much about.

As long as they’re paid $250, that is. Likely spent on booze or dispensary goodies.

“I am making you aware of this because there is a good chance that your restaurants will also potentially have some people reaching out for comment and/or making (bogus) reservations over the next few days,” Crain added, “As I stated yesterday, our comment is always ‘No Comment.’ We don’t respond, we don’t retweet, we don’t post on Instagram or Facebook, we don’t do anything.”

Smart business.

Too bad remaining silent and avoiding politics is enough of a sin for the woke mob to launch an effective business assassination plot.

“Again, we do NOT insert our political beliefs at any time – not with an employee, not with a fellow manager, and most certainly NOT with a guest,” Crain reiterated, underscoring the type of clientele Morton’s caters to … a clientele that prefers to dine in peace, minus the violent zealots.

Which was beyond evident from the additional remarks of a Morton’s representative.

“There is a time and place for everything,” the representative remarked, “disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”

Probably one of the nicest ways to depict the reality of the horror show standard leftist militants have become.

Buttigieg’s unwanted follow-up also constitutes a total “void of decency,” like every other member of Biden’s blasphemous cabinet.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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