No one makes the case for not cancelling student debt better than students themselves.
After all, do these spoiled snowflakes really expect hardworking taxpayers to pay for their financial irresponsibility?
Especially when their financial irresponsibility has resulted in the development of little to no critical thinking skills.
Instead, most “students” today are little more than lemmings in the Marxist indoctrination machines masquerading as “institutions of higher learning.”
And nowhere is this clearer than in the recent petition launched by students who clearly have far too much time on their hands.
The same students that demand for taxpayers to fund their endless education and student loans, mind you.
Apparently, these students think it’s a great idea to publicize their intolerance and hatred, as evidenced by the absurd demands to remove Clarence Thomas from his teaching position at George Washington University.
“With the recent Supreme Court decision that has stripped the right to bodily autonomy of people with wombs, and with his explicit intention to further strip the rights of queer people and remove the ability for people to practice safe sex without fear of pregnancy, it is evident that the employment of Clarence Thomas at George Washington University is completely unacceptable,” the petition blared.
Gotta love the reference to “people with wombs.” Guess students can’t even be bothered to use the blasphemous term “women,” nor can they even be bothered to realize how hateful such language truly is.
After all, erasing the identity of women is the hallmark of misogynistic authoritarianism, which the feebleminded millennials are playing right into.
The same millennials also think it’s appropriate to launch utterly baseless accusations against not only Justice Thomas himself, but also his wife.
“While also factoring in his wife’s part in the attempted coup in January of 2021, Judge Thomas is actively making life unsafe for thousands of students on our campus (not to mention thousands of campuses across the country). Make your voice heard and help us kick Clarence Thomas out of Foggy Bottom,” the petition added.
Oh yeah. Thomas is really making life “unsafe” for a bunch of spoiled brats.
Frankly, no one endangers them more than they endanger themselves, given how eager they are to be brainwashed by the nefarious media.
The brainwashing is even clearer when scrutinizing the “Reasons for Signing” section, which shows that most of these so-called students have a vocabulary only rivaled by the equally illiterate BLM.
“Clarence Thomas is an ignorant piece of s—,” one “student” wrote.
“F— all supreme court justices and this undemocratic capitalist system,” another individual added.
Sure looks like that student debt was well spent on crafting students capable of forming a cogent argument.
Needless to say, the upper tiers of administration at George Washington University were decidedly unimpressed, as evidenced by their rather pointed response to yet another feckless petition.
“Because we steadfastly support the robust exchange of ideas and deliberation, and because debate is an essential part of our university’s academic and educational mission to train future leaders who are prepared to address the world’s most urgent problems, the university will neither terminate Justices Thomas’ employment nor cancel his class in response to his legal opinions,” the university wrote.
Gotta love how the university turns the hated word “cancel” back on the biggest, most hateful mob of all.
Unfortunately, other words, such as “robust” and “deliberation” probably went straight over their Twitter- and CNN-brainwashed minds.
And as far as those students serving as “future leaders?” Yeah … right.
Maybe in a prison cell.
“Like all faculty members at our university, Justice Thomas has academic freedom and freedom of expression and inquiry,” the university continued, making it clear that Thomas is, after all, a person himself.
Amazing how none of the media are crying “racism” over such attacks, but the media will never protect a minority that dares to think for themselves.
Especially one that actually values law and order.
“Just as we affirm our commitment to academic freedom, we affirm the right of all members of our community to voice their opinions and contribute to the critical discussion that are foundational to our academic mission,” the university concluded.
Did that message sink in at all?
Of course not.
If anything, the students felt perversely empowered by it.
The main petition organizer, John Kay, who hopefully screwed up employment opportunities for life in light of his ghastly behavior, is all but gleeful over the coverage his pitiful petition has received.
“As you all may have seen, the story about our petition has generated national attention! Not only has our story been written about in Fox News, The Hill, Politico, Forbes, and CNN, among others, BUT I will be making a national tv appearance on Dan Abrams Live on News Nation,” Kay declared.
Newsflash, Mr. Kay: Your petition only made “national attention” because it failed, as the only headlines pretty much anyone is reading pertains to the university’s rejection of the rather ludicrous petition.
The petition itself didn’t make the news; the university administration’s rejection of it did.
Not that an intellectually underdeveloped, anti-freedom, media-brainwashed lemming would get that, as evidenced by his continued ranting and raving.
“This push is not stopping here though. We have some more interviews coming down the pipe, and several organizations affiliated with our cause are planning events and actions to reinforce our cause,” Kay continued to rant.
The “cause” of attempting to fire someone who dares to interpret the Constitution, which is precisely why they were appointed to the Court in the first place.
Perhaps Mr. Kay could consult the 10th amendment, rather than his deeply ingrained hatred.
However, like the brainwashed useful idiot he is, Kay insists on going further down the authoritarian rabbit hole, playing right into the hands of the literally evil powers that be.
“I will update you later, but I want you all to know that this fight is just getting started, and GW’s admin hasn’t even begun to feel the pressure we will be putting on them in the coming days,” Kay bragged, “we will win.”
“We will win.”
Right. “Win” at shutting down all forms of intellectual diversity, as this generation surely can’t handle it.
Let’s see how happy the spoiled, deliberately debt-laden brats are once their communist masters in China take over.
Then again, they won’t be talking long at all when under the thumb of real authoritarianism.
Just ask more than one person who’s barely managed to survive it … of the few survivors who remain.
Maybe, just maybe, they’ll finally realize what real authoritarianism is … and how they’ve aided and abetted the authoritarian takeover all along.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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