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Obama Official Openly Shreds Biden’s Foreign Policy

Well, looks like Obama surrounded himself with people who had a clue, or at least feing having a clue for the public.

Given that the Former Director of Global Engagement for the Obama White House, Brett Bruen, has just written an opinion piece for USA Today that calls for the White House to “reset the whole national security team.”

Quite the statement to make amid a Russian invasion, coupled with China eagerly taking over the most strategic body of water on the planet, otherwise known as the South China Sea.

“I used to cringe when Vice President Joe Biden took to the podium,” Bruen recalls,
“despite all the preparation that went into an event and his remarks, as a staffer on the National Security Council, you never quite knew what he might say.”

You could say that again. Pretty much every American cringes as well.

Every American that actually gives a you know what about basic liberty and security that is.

Bruen also noted that Biden’s perpetual irresponsibility has directly contributed to ongoing crises around the world.

“The reckless riffs have continued during his presidency, especially when discussing diplomacy,” Bruen continued, “how does such careless careening into crisis territory keep happening?”


It keeps “happening” because apparently Biden needs a damn Easter Bunny to tell him what to do, not to mention a teleprompter that he can barely read.

Or, in some cases, read far too much, such as blandly remarking “End of Quote,” a clear phrase he was not supposed to say.

“Sometimes, the president’s experience and overconfidence do not serve him well. Decades doing diplomacy have led to Biden developing pretty rigid perceptions and policy positions. He is often stuck in outdated notions of how the world works. Repeatedly, we have watched him stick to his guns, even as events in places like Kabul radically changed,” Bruen continued.

The only word that is questionable here is “sometimes.”

More like ALL the time Biden’s bluster, based on decades of political corruption, is hardly akin to compelling foreign policy.

Quite the opposite, actually.

“This is an extraordinarily dangerous time for the United States and our allies. It requires a strong and consistent level of diplomatic discipline. I fear that anything less could lead us unnecessarily into a conflict, whether with China, Iran, Russia or North Korea,” Bruen added.

Hate to break it to you, Bruen, but until the entire Democrat Party is out of power, then be prepared for imminent conflict with China, followed by all its other puppets.

Puppets that happen to control gas, oil, food supply, and pretty much everything else that Biden has destroyed since taking over.

Almost as if it was intentional from the start.

“At the very least, from our own hemisphere to the Asia Pacific region, we have unnecessarily undermined our standing and irresponsibly handed propaganda points to our adversaries. Something needs to fundamentally change in how this White House deals with diplomacy,” Bruen declared.


A fundamental change is absolutely necessary … and increasingly unlikely, especially if Democrats continue to screw around with free and fair elections.

While accusing the Republicans of subverting democracy.

“They have repeatedly shown an inability to execute and to staff him effectively. We need more experienced leaders who can speak truth to power and implement our foreign policy without so many fumbles,” Bruen concluded.

Ah, the infamous “they” again.

The same “they” who wouldn’t let Biden go to Ukraine.

The same “they” that Biden mutters about near-constantly, given no insight into exactly who “they” is.

Heck, “they” probably aren’t even American, or, for that matter, even Western.

Which is precisely why Trump’s Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, literally cannot sleep at night.

“Well, there are a lot of things that [keep me up at night],” Ross announced during an appearance on Fox News, “mainly what I worry about is actually the foreign policy. I’m very, very worried that we’re going to blunder ourselves into a whole series of conflicts around the world. I mean, trying to make footsies with the Iranians, it’s not a good idea.”

His worries are not without justification.

After all, it’s pretty bad when Osama bin Laden’s top pick for the Oval Office is in the Oval Office right now.

In even more under-reported news, the mastermind of 9/11/01 actually put in writing his wish to see Biden become president (see pp. 35-36 of the document … and perhaps download it, while you still can.”

“I asked Shayk Sa’id, Allah have mercy on his soul, to task brother Ilyas to prepare two groups – one in Pakistan and the other in the Bagram area of Afghanistan – with the mission of anticipating and spotting the visits of Obama or Petraeus to Afghanistan or Pakistan to target the aircraft of either one of them. They are not to target visits by US Vice President Biden, Secretary of Defense Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff (Chairman) Mullen, or the Special Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Holbrook. The groups will remain on the lookout for Obama or Petraeus,” Osama wrote in 2010.

One might question why Osama was so intent on keeping Biden safe, outside of the obvious assumption that Hunter would stoop to doing deals with terrorists if he could make a fast buck or two.

However, while Osama is unlikely to party in Las Vegas suites with Hunter, a bunch of Russians sure were. Wonder why.

And that provides context for Osama’s next statement.

“The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there,” Osama continued, “Biden is totally unprepared for the post, which will lead the US into a crisis.”

Thank you, Democrats, for selecting Osama bin Laden’s top choice for president.

He has absolutely done what Osama predicted he would … twelve years ago.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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